economic evaluation

Economic evaluation of administration systems in the context of management business processes reengineering

The article deals with the peculiarities of an economic evaluation of administrative systems in the context of management business processes reengineering. In particular, methodological approaches to the economic evaluation of such systems are described and characterized. It is concluded that under present conditions most of the projects on construction or improvement of administrative systems belong to the category of investment projects, which, accordingly, are related to investment costs.

Model of Economic Evaluation of Intellectual Capital of Machine-Building Enterprises and Potential of their Development

The article presents the results of building a model of economic evaluation of intellectual capital (IC) of machine-building enterprises suitable for the IC current level, its individual components and their potential. A typology of factors influencing the choice of IC evaluation methods in the industry has been developed.

Methodological foundations of economic evaluation of technogenic losses of national economy

The article considers world’s modern approaches of evaluation of technogenic losses from permanent and emergency environmental contamination (emissions, discharges, wastes), and investigates their advantages and disadvantages. The article justifies methods of fuzzy sets theory for complex economic evaluation of technogenic losses of national economy and necessity of these methods under the circumstances of vagueness and lack of information.

Features of economic evaluation machine-building enterprise in their development

The aim of the research is to develop the basic economic evaluation concepts of machine-
building enterprises in their development, which is formulated to achieve three objectives: to
examine existing approaches to economic evaluation of the various machine-building
enterprises components; to identify key groups of indicators for each of the assessment; to
compose the selection process of individual indicators and mechanism of structure changes in
the enterprise development.