
The Influence of Surfactants on the Physical Properties of Clinkers

The influence of three types of surfactants on the following clinker properties: specific surface area, sorption behavior (hygroscopicity), water repellency, and flowability has been studied. Experimental results show that the surfactants have different influence on the grinding kinetics and properties of clinkers that mainly depend on the surfactants concentration than their origin or state of matter. Use of special surfactants as grinding aids is proposed.

Effect of ultrafine fly ash on the properties of high performance concretes

The influence of the process of mechanical activation on the properties of fly ash was shown. The effect of ultrafine fly ash and chemical admixtures of polyfunctional action on the properties of fine grained concrete was investigated. It was observed that combination of such complex chemical admixtures and ultrafine fly ash provides the reaching of technical, technological and economical effects in High Performance Concretes.

Вплив добавок пластифікувально-прискорювальної дії на структуроутворення та міцність бетонів

The article shows that one of the ways of realization of energy efficient building principles is the introduction of the technology of permanent formwork using monolithic concrete (technologies Quad-Lock and “Tehnoblok”). The use of concretes with high thermal mass provides thermal stability of the premises, decreases the amount of energy for heating and cooling, reduces the emission of greenhouse gases. Development of Ukrainian road infrastructure and its repair are required the use of rapid-hardening and durability materials.