Вплив добавок пластифікувально-прискорювальної дії на структуроутворення та міцність бетонів


Мазурак Т. А., Марущак У. Д., Олевич Ю. В., Граб’юк Х. Р., Іващишин Г. С. / Mazurak T. A., Marushchak U. D., Olevych Yu. V., Grabyuk H. R., Ivashchyshyn G. S.

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра будівельного виробництва

The article shows that one of the ways of realization of energy efficient building principles is the introduction of the technology of permanent formwork using monolithic concrete (technologies Quad-Lock and “Tehnoblok”). The use of concretes with high thermal mass provides thermal stability of the premises, decreases the amount of energy for heating and cooling, reduces the emission of greenhouse gases. Development of Ukrainian road infrastructure and its repair are required the use of rapid-hardening and durability materials. It is established that forquality installation concrete mix into the formwork, providing of short construction period and obtaining dense structure of road material with high reliability and durability it is necessary to use concrete,which is modified by complex modifiers of plasticizing and accelerating action. The influence of plasticizers, which based on lignosulphonate, sulphonated naftalene-formaldehyde, polycarboxylate, on rheological parameters and strength of concretes is investigated. The addition of lignosulphonate, sulphonated naftalene-formaldehyde plasticizers causes a decrease of early strength of fine-grained concretes when the flowability of mixtures is higher and requires the use of complex modifiers. It is shown that significant plasticizing effect and increasing of concrete strength are achieved by using of complex modifiers based on polycarboxylates and accelerators.

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