формальна модель

Formal model of knowledge processing in situational awareness systems

In the article are described models and methods of formalizing and modeling process of decision making in systems with situation awareness (SAW systems). The definitions of mathematical formalization of situation are discussed. Also, the unifying algebraic model, allowing the usage of different tools for situation awareness modeling, based of Algebra of Systems was proposed. We analyze the term of description logic and its advantages and disadvantages. The mappings between algebraic model, description logic and interpreted systems are proposed.

Lexicographic Database on the Basis of Lexical-semantic Groups of Verbs of the Ukrainian Language

The article deals with the main advantages of computer lexicography comparing to the traditional one. The expediency of presenting the semantic characteristics of verbs in lexicographic database is proven. On the basis of the information theory of lexicographic systems the lexicographic database of lexical-semantic groups of the Ukrainian verbs is built.

Метод оцінювання якості туристичної документації

The article describes method of quality evaluation of tourism documentation, created on the basis of open web-resources taking into consideration demands and interests of tourism product consumer, formal model of tourism documentation structure is presented.

Формальна модель відображення семантичних характеристик у словниках

The article deals with the importance of information technologies for solving practical problems of linguistics. The expediency of presenting the semantic characteristics of verbs in explanatory dictionaries is proven. On the basis of the information theory of lexicographic systems the formal model of representation of semantic characteristics of verbs in dictionaries is built.