
Scaling Ukrainian business to the European market

Based on the analysis of information sources on business scaling, enterprises were categorized by size and, in turn, by the type of activity of the enterprise. Initially, we analyzed information on Ukraine's cooperation with other countries. The analysis of statistics allows you to identify the countries that show the greatest demand for the products or services that your company produces.


Purpose. The article is devoted to topical issues of franchising as a modern form of international business. Today, franchising is one of the most dynamically developing forms of business activity, which is characterized by high efficiency in both domestic and foreign markets. Along with the quantitative development of franchising relations, there are qualitative and organizational changes in this form of economic cooperation.

The Investigation of the Practice of the International Technology Transfer’s Risk Reduction in the Conditions of Competitive Struggle Strenghening

Analysis of at the global energy market, according to the Advanced Energy Now 2019 Market Report, showed that the global electricity transmission and distribution market demonstrated the highest historical aggregate annual growth rates (CAGRs) between 2011 and 2019. A huge number of small and medium companies got involved into it and into transfer technology process generally. Generally, the number of enterprises involved in the energy sector has tripled in the last 10 years.

Franchises in Ukraine: problems and ways for their decision

We substantiated the relevance of research into franchise choices. you have analyzed literary sources that highlight this issue and found that the focus of the scholars’ attention is on issues related to the activities of franchise companies as franchisees. We have proved that a significant part of problem issues also arises from potential investors who invest in franchising companies that need research.