The Investigation of the Practice of the International Technology Transfer’s Risk Reduction in the Conditions of Competitive Struggle Strenghening

: pp. 189 - 203
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Analysis of at the global energy market, according to the Advanced Energy Now 2019 Market Report, showed that the global electricity transmission and distribution market demonstrated the highest historical aggregate annual growth rates (CAGRs) between 2011 and 2019. A huge number of small and medium companies got involved into it and into transfer technology process generally. Generally, the number of enterprises involved in the energy sector has tripled in the last 10 years.

Thus, the research of participation of small companies in international technology transfer for energy industry is provided at the example of the domestic company LLC “Pluton IS”. The company develops comprehensive high-tech solutions in the energy sector. In addition, “Pluton IS”, is actively involved into the processes of transfer of its own energy technologies abroad. The company’s negative experience of international technology transfer is carefully learnt and all available risks are analyzed. Thus, the most common risks are the risk of rapid customer loss due to lack of after-sales service and the risk of technological espionage. Thus, the paper presents research and recommendations for optimizing the process of international technology transfer by reducing those risks and eliminating the threats by combining different tools to protect technological solutions and mechanisms for promotion into foreign markets.

The solution to the above problems is a comprehensive transfer of know-how with the protection of an international certificates for trade names and patent protection of technical parts (equipment itself and the software for it) which could be also presented to the market as a single products. Also combining of such instruments as license option (provision of technology for 4 months without disclosure of technical solutions) and franchising will provide higher protection and efficiency of international technology transfer. The algorithm for technology transfer abroad, taking into account these tools, is described in the article.

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