функціональний стан

Survey of driver's functional state change, considering movement through mountain passes

According to traffic accident statistics, the main causes are violations of traffic rules. Based on scientific research, it is clear that the main reason for these events is the drivers' incorrect assessment of the road situation and their inadequate response. Assessing road conditions depends on drivers' qualifications, skills, work experience, reaction time, and other physiological factors. The functional state of drivers is important to consider. It reflects their ability to work reliably and affects both fatigue levels and how fatigue builds up.

Influence of mountain traffic conditions on the functional state of a bus driver

Ensuring the transport process requires proper interaction of all parts of the system "driver - car - road - environment" and its subsystems. In this case, the driver is often a "weak" component of the system, and his actions can reduce the level of road users` safety. It should be noted that the reliability of the driver can be considered as the probability of his trouble-free and error-free operation, as well as the proper level of his regulatory mechanisms functioning.

Influence of public transport ergonomic features on passenger's functional state

The article means an analysis of the passenger transport services quality issue. Researches of public transport routes ergonomic features and their influence on a passenger functional condition are provided. The analysis of such indicators as cabin occupancy rate, noise level, vibration, and acceleration was carried out. Mathematical dependences of the passenger functional condition change considering vehicles ergonomic features were constructed. Threshold values of passenger compartment microclimate, providing the stress index normative values were determined.

Change of drivers functional condition while moving along highways of different technical categories

The article analyzes the influence of a human factor on road safety and the main methods of its research. The main indicators of the functional state of the drivers, which most accurately illustrate the change in the neuro-emotional stress while operating the vehicle in different road conditions, are determined. The regularities of changing the functional state of the drivers who were driving the vehicle along different categories of roads were established.

Changing of the bus driver`s functional state in city conditions

The functioning of a modern city is impossible without a proper mode of public transport and its network. Parameters of this transport system influence on the functionality of all supply chain links, training specialists, ensuring proper communication between parts of the city, the level of traffic safety, etc. At the same time, all these figures depend also on bus drivers and their work. This is due to the fact that this “human factor” influences on the proper functioning of the public transport system.