Географічна Інформаційна Система

Моделювання фітомаси лісів Підкарпатського воєводства засобами ГІС

Наведено результати моделювання компонентів фітомаси деревостанів головних лісотвірних порід Підкарпатського воєводства та депонованого в ній вуглецю. Складено багатошарову цифрову карту лісів Підкарпатського воєводства

The results of the simulation components of phytomass of major forest tree species and deposited carbon in forest stands Podcarpatskogo Voivodeship (Poland) are shown. The GIS technology was used to make modeling. The multilayer digital map of forests of Podcarpatskogo Voivodeship was made as a result of the study.

Geospatial analysis of greenhouse gas absorption and emission by forests in Polish Carpathians

This study is showing the results of modeling of components of phytomass in forests of Podkarpackie, Malopolska and Silesia voivodeships and the deposited carbon in it. An analysis of the geo distributed deposited carbon in forests of Poland was conducted and multi digital map was compiled. Purpose of the study was to develop tools for geo distributed analysis and assessment of deposited carbon based on the statistical data on stocks of vegetation, species composition, distribution by age and classes using other forest inventory indicators that were the official sources.

Photointerpretation with the use of processed satellite images

The structure of landscape and her changeability in time and space is to possible to analyse on several ways using near this the different methods and investigative tools. One of investigative applied technologies in investigation of landscape are Geographic Information System (GIS). This technology makes possible the making to perform the opinion of landscape structure by helping of ecological coefficieus and indexes based on varied sources of information.