
On distribution of earthquakes relative to the density boundary in stratification of Earth’s crust (case study in selected areas of the North-East of Russia)

Purpose. Identify patterns in position earthquake hypocenters relative density stratification in the borders of the earth's crust. Methods. The methods of the new interpretative gravity anomalies by interpreting the gravity field is determined by the power of the earth's crust, forming the anomaly in the gravity field (Bouguer). In this border area forms a surface that separates two sector of the earth's crust. In its upper part, in the sector above the fixed surface, observed density change substance at the transition from one block to another in the horizontal direction.

Some peculiarities of seismisity Transcarpathians

Aim. Investigations of Carpathians backdeep seismicity peculiarities and their correlation with fault-block structure of the crust. Methodology. For the analysis of Transcarpathians seismicity were used instrumental seismological observations in Carpathian network during 2001-2012 years. Was done a comparison of earth¬quake epicenters maps with fault-block structure of the region, distribution of earthquakes hypocenter depth had been analyzed. Analysis of seismic faults of Transcarpathian deep was completed.