
Comparison of approaches to zenith tropospheric delay determination based on data of atmosphere radio sounding and GNSS observation

Currently, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are increasingly used in atmospheric monitoring tasks. To determine tropospheric delays, two approaches are most often used: the calculation of atmospheric radio sounding data and the processing of GNSS observations. GNSS processing is, generally, based on two methods, namely precise point positioning (PPP) and double-differencing (DD). PPP is a potent data analysis instrument sensitive to a variety of parameters.

Research of azimuth-temporal variations of the ionosphere from GNSS-stations network

Purpose. It is necessary to examine the azimuth-temporal variations of the ionosphere during active disturbance, according to observations SULP-station and to analyze the data. The technique. As input data we selected ionofiles with regular GNSS observations of the reference station SULP-on date 1, 2, 3 September and 1, 2, 3 October 2013 at 0, 6, 12, 18 and 23 h The next step was to our choice of satellite data. This information formed in the daily Files Software Trimble Planning. The frequency of such registered user specifies the personal file.