group control

Base Components of the Neuro-fuzzy Control System for a Group of Mobile Robotic Platforms

Coordinating the movement of mobile robotic platforms (MRPs) in dynamic environments is a significant challenge in both civil and military applications, where large-scale transport, exploration, and task distribution are required. This research presents a neuro-fuzzy control system that integrates fuzzy logic with real-time navigation to optimize group movement.

Development of the scheme and improvement of the motion control method of a group of mobile robotic platforms

When managing a group of mobile robotic platforms, there are specific tasks of ensuring operational analysis and taking into account changes in the functioning parameters of each individual platform and the impact of the surrounding environment on it and the group as a whole. It is necessary to realize not only the coordinated management of a separate robotic platform but also to ensure the interaction of separate platforms in order to fulfill the task as a whole.