хмарні обчислення

Blockchain Applicability for Storing Iot Telemetric Data in Logistic

The rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized the logistics industry by enabling real-time tracking and monitoring of goods throughout the supply chain. However, the immense volume of telemetric data generated by IoT devices presents significant challenges in terms of scalability, data integrity, and security for traditional database solutions. This paper explores the applicability of blockchain technology as an alternative for storing and managing IoT telemetric data in logistics.

Serverless Ai Agents in the Cloud

Integrating AI agents within serverless architectures offers a modern approach to deploying and executing intelligent applications. Leveraging the advantages of serverless computing, AI agents can dynamically respond to varying workloads without the overhead of managing the underlying infrastructure. This article explores the concept of scalable serverless AI agents in the cloud, detailing their architecture, benefits and drawbacks, challenges, and real-world applications. The paper provides advantages and drawbacks of the serverless approach.

An Approach to Improving Availability of Microservices for Cyber-Physical Systems

The design of modern Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) connects physical and digital realms from cloud systems to edge devices. Microservice architecture has been widely used for IT solutions and emerges as a promising approach for supporting CPS that are more efficient, adaptable, and interconnected. However, there is an increasing need to improve the availability, reliability, and resilience of microservice systems according to the needs. This paper summarizes the challenges and drawbacks of microservice architecture used for CPS.

Організація хмарних обчислень на базі масиву програмованих комірок логіки

Запропоновано нову хмарну модель обчислень — ПЛІС як послуга, що покликана забезпечити масове використання ПЛІС для організації високопродуктивних обчислень.

New cloud computing model — FPGA as a Service is offered, that called to provide more mass use of FPGA for high-performance computing.

An Alternative to Vending Machines

In this review article for a smart vending refrigerator, the contours of the future device are thought out and outlined and all its advantages are described. This device will be controlled using Computer Vision and some other features. The main control unit will be Raspberry PI, since it is the best for this device. Also, a web application was developed in which the user registers, and the applica- tion itself transmits the user's information through an API that will be developed to communicate with the web server, and the web server will store this information.

Cloud Computing With Resource Allocation Based on Ant Colony Optimization

In this study, we explore the intricacies of cloud computing technologies, with an emphasis on the challenges and concerns pertinent to resource allocation. Three opti- mization techniques—Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), and Genetic Algorithm (GA) — have been meticulously analyzed concerning their applications, objectives, and operational  methodologies. The study underscores these algorithms' pivotal role in enhancing cloud resource optimization, while also elucidat- ing their respective merits and limitations.


Microservices is an architectural style in software development that involves constructing a big solution using small, self-contained services. A set of services are connected via well-defined APIs and work together like a coherent system. The application of microservices architecture spans a wide range of domains, e.g., healthcare, finance, government, military, gaming, and entertainment. This article analyzes existing project architecture approaches for Node.js, and improves scalable project architecture for Node.js using shared dependencies.

Information systems for automating work flows: a comparative analysis

Workflow is a sequence of repeated and controlled steps aimed at completing a specific task or work. The urgency of the task of optimizing such works contributed to the development of methods and means  of  operations  research  to  optimize  such  processes  for  the  needs  of  various  subject  areas. Information technologies to support such workflow are workflow engines that enable faster automation, ensure compliance with norms and standards, formalize business processes, improve communication, etc.