

The paper investigates computer diagnostic systems, their architectures, methods, and algorithms used in their work to diagnose cancer, including breast, lung, brain, and other tumors.

Traditional and neural network methods for image segmentation and classification are analyzed and compared, and diagnostic tools in medicine are analyzed.

The key approaches to medical image processing are investigated, in particular, the analysis of segmentation methods based on U-Net networks and classification using convolutional neural networks.

Creation of Interfaces of Security Systems of Multi-apartment Buildings Using the Person Method

The article explores the process of creating interfaces for security systems in apartment buildings using the persona method and user classification through the random forest method. The persona method allows for segmenting users based on demographic, psychographic, and behavioral characteristics, providing deeper insight into the needs of different groups and enabling the creation of personalized interfaces for effective interaction with the system. The random forest method is used to select key criteria that influence user classification and optimize the system according to their needs.


This article presents a historical overview of the development of kinetic architecture starting from the 20th century. - the first attempts to implement the futuristic ideas of Thomas Hein, Angelo Invernitz, Buckminster Fuller Jon Friedman, Cedric Price. Two main reasons for the appearance of kinetic architecture are argued. This is the creation of a new architectural environment as a response to changes in the paradigm of world perception - a dynamic and adaptive to new needs environment using the latest computerized and mechanized systems and devices.

Research of data mining methods for classification of imbalanced data sets

With the rapid development of information technology, which is widely used in all spheres of human life and activity, extremely large amounts of data have been accumulated today. By applying machine learning methods to this data, new practically useful knowledge can be obtained. The main goal of this paper is to study different machine learning methods for solving the classification problem and compare their efficiency and accuracy.

Conceptual Approach to Detecting Deepfake Modifications of Biometric Images Using Neural Networks

The National Cybersecurity Cluster of Ukraine is functionally oriented towards building systems to protect various platforms of information infrastructure, including the creation of secure technologies for detecting deepfake modifications of biometric images based on neural networks in cyberspace. 

This space proposes a conceptual approach to detecting deepfake modifications, which is deployed based on the functioning of a convolutional neural network and the classifier algorithm for biometric images structured as “sensitivity-Yuden index-optimal threshold-specificity”.


The food industry is going through constant improvements and is subject to analyzing consumer needs, product quality research is essential to striking this balance. In this regard, meat quality, the most essential food category, should be studied with unbiased methods that give precise and correct results. Classification algorithms are considered one of the main components of developing an objective and reliable method of meat quality assessment.

Силуети кольору та яскравості зображень для їх класифікації та пошуку

Для зменшення часових затрат пошуку зображень у базах даних великих розмірів запропоновано підхід, що ґрунтується на визначенні силуетів яскравості зображень різних типів: фронтального та бічного для двох видів яскравості. Подальше приско- рення пошуку відбувається за рахунок заміни кривих силуетів поліноміальними функціями чебишовського типу. Додатковою ознакою є відстань до піків силуетів. Як приклади практичних даних використано зображення із відомих баз образів. Критеріями прийняті силуети та відстані до них.

On the publicly dangerous content of military administrative offenses

Abstract. Consideration of the provisions related to administrative illegality aimed at encroachment on social relations involves the analysis of its main components and causes of its occurrence in normal conditions of the functioning of society, as well as in special conditions to which the legal regime of martial law belongs. The complexity of the socio-economic and political situation in Ukraine led to the introduction of martial law by the President of Ukraine (February 2022) due to military aggression by the Russian Federation.

Tactical planning methods: meaning and typology in the system of circular business models of enterprises

Purpose. The concept of circular economy (closed-loop economy) emerged as an alternative economic model designed to reduce the negative impact on the environment, solve the problem of resource scarcity, extend the life cycle of products and solve global problems of the world economy and international economic relations on this basis. Obtaining the benefits of implementing circular business models, which consist in increasing the income of the world economy, saving resources, and increasing the number of jobs, requires reasonable and rational planning at enterprises.

Methods and means of determining objects of radio intelligence using the ontological approach

The article is devoted to the study of methods and means of determining objects of radio technical intelligence using machine learning technologies and an ontological approach. A naіve Bayesian classifier was used to identify objects of radio technical intelligence. The Naive Bayes classifier is a machine learning algorithm used to classify objects based on probabilities. In this article, a naive Bayesian classifier is used to determine the classes to which objects of radio technical intelligence belong.