knowledge-intensive services

Development of Exports of Knowledge-intensive Services as a Catalyst for Innovation

At the present stage, the knowledge-intensive services sector is one of the key drivers of the global knowledge-based economy. Knowledge-intensive services cover a wide range of market, finan- cial, high-tech, social and other services based on the knowledge and experience of highly qualified specialists. This type of services acts as a catalyst for innovation activities of organizations based on an organic combination of production processes, research and development activities and consumer needs.

Problems and Prospective Ways to Increase the Volume of Export of Scientific Services by Ukraine in the Conditions of European Integration

Abstract — the interpretation of the concept of “knowledge-intensive services” by domestic and foreign specialists is considered. The content of the category has been clarified. Data on exports of knowledge-intensive services in Ukraine and the G7 countries in recent years have been studied. The analysis and comparison of structural shares of knowledge-intensive services in the total export of the country is carried out. Data on the number of employees in the field of knowledge-intensive services were studied.