методи дослідження

Examples of a single person performing a comprehensive forensic examination

The article discusses examples of a single person performing a comprehensive forensic examination of metals and explosives. Comprehensive examinations are appointed in cases where the expert task cannot be solved on the basis of one branch of knowledge. In order to meet the procedural requirement of completeness, comprehensiveness and objectivity of proof, it is necessary to integrate various branches of specialised knowledge.

Features of leadthrough of medico-legal examination are from determination of degree of weight of bodily harms

It is considered concept and maintenance of medico-legal examination. Medico-legal
examination is described from establishment of degree of weight of bodily harms. Certainly
methods which are used at certain degree of weight of bodily harms.Outlined factors which
predetermine the errors of medico-legal examinations and methods of their exposure

The history of glass under the microscope: from what angles it is worth exploring tutorials

The history of glass is multifaceted and full of mysteries. It is impossible, however, to study glass-making in all its complexity of manifestations by using only historical methods. By the example of Hutta production in the late XV — the 1st half of the XIX centuries the article shows the necessity to use a multidisciplinary approach in order to provide a maximum detailed research of the history of glass.