
Мікрокапсулювання ефірної олії екстракційно-коацерваційним методом

The formation of polymer microcapsules containing encapsulated laurel essential oil on the basis of synthesized heterofunctional tetrapolymer as shell-building material using the developed “extraction-coacervation” method of encapsulation was performed. The effect of process parameters on the final size of microcapsules and efficiency of laurel essential oil encapsulation was determined.

Синтез функціональних кополімерів методом полімераналогічних перетворень для інкапсулювання ефірних олій

The modification of functional peroxidic terpolymers was carried out by polymer- analogous transformation method. The kinetic regularities of modification process were studied, and the qualitative composition of the modified copolymers was confirmed. The formation of polymeric microcapsules based on modified copolymers as a cover-generating material, and containing incapsulated lavender essential oil by applying the coacervation- extraction method of microencapsulation was performed. The influence of dispersion speed, temperature, pH on the size of microcapsules was studied.

Розробка інкапсульованого лікарського засобу на основі налтрексону та дисульфіраму

The paper considers the possibility of creating a combined injection drug prolonged action based on naltrexone and disulfiram by encapsulation method. Polymers of poly-D, L-lactide-co-glycolide lactic acid were selected as adjuvant. Optimal method of process was developed based on the analysis of the literature, patent research and experimental data. Spheres of micro-and nano- sizes based on naltrexone and disulfiram as a powder for use as an injection were obtained.