міжнародне гуманітарне право

Energy Security of Ukraine: Environmental and Military Threats

This paper discusses the role of energy security in national security. It is posited that the latter
should be positioned much more broadly than economic security, because currently in the Russian-
Ukrainian war, the aggressor state has chosen the energy infrastructure as the purpose of conducting an
armed struggle, which violates the norms of international humanitarian law regarding harm to the
civilian population. With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the aggressor country into Ukraine,

How Russia violates international law by invading Ukraine

Abstract. Since February 24, 2022, russia has engaged in full-scale aggression against Ukraine. Despite the Russian army's failure to achieve the initial goals set by the Kremlin at the beginning of the invasion, the war against Ukraine has persisted for over 600 days. Tragically, it has resulted in the loss of almost 10 thousand civilian lives (excluding data from the occupied territories) and forced approximately 8 million citizens to flee Ukraine.

Legal regulation of the status of prisoners of war in accordance with the standards of international humanitarian law: historical and modern retrospective

Annotation. The article is devoted to the study of the norms of international humanitarian law in force in Ukraine regarding prisoners of war and the history of their implementation in the Ukrainian legal field. A thorough analysis of the norms of international humanitarian law and their implementation in national legislation is carried out.

Efficiency of the rules of warfare and norms of international humanitarian law: analysis of modern doctrine

The article analyzes the current scientific positions of experts in the field of international law regarding the effectiveness of the norms of international humanitarian law during an armed conflict.

Діяльність МКЧХ у період збройних конфліктів

Розглядається питання функціонування МКЧХ. Вказується на принципи
функціонування. Акцентовано увагу саме на діяльності МКЧХ під час збройного