моноксид вуглецю

Composition and Activity of Copper-Palladium Catalyst on Carbon Fiber Material for Air Purification from Carbon Monoxide

A set of research methods ($X$-ray phase, desorption, kinetic) was used to determine the state of the basic components ${K}_{2}{Pd}{Cl}_{4}$ and $Cu(NO_3)_2$ in the catalyst for the oxidation of carbon monoxide by oxygen. It was found that the palladium (II) and copper (II) initial compounds under the action of carbon fiber carrier change their state. Palladium is reduced to $X$-ray amorphous $Pd^0$, and copper (II) is in the form of a crystalline phase ${Cu}_2(OH)_3Cl$.

Production of Iron, Titanium Dioxide Modofocations and Titanium

Conditions for the reduction of titanium-magnetite concentrates (main components are Fe 52–54 % and TiO2 5–7 %) by natural gas for obtaining iron powder and titanium fraction were studied. Based on the theory of granulation in the drum apparatus, granules with 25 % of soda fluxing additive with optimum diameter, humidity, strength and porosity were obtained. It was found that the reduction reactions in the temperature range of 1143–1198 K are carried out if a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide is added to the natural gas in amount of 15 vol %.