neural networks

Зменшення кількості хибних викликів під час розв’язання задачі детектування полум'я у відеопотоці з використанням глибоких згорткових нейронних мереж

In this paper, we develop a new approach for detecting fire in images based on convolutional neural networks. Cascade structure, which provides improved efficiency of recognition in images with low resolution and objects that can visually resemble flames, was proposed. We have performed an experimental comparison with the modern method of objects detecting Faster R-CNN. As a result of the experiments, it was found that performance of fire recognition improved on average by 20%.

Інтелектуальні компоненти інтегрованих автоматизованих систем управління для енергетичних систем

Досліджено особливості інтелектуальних компонент інтегрованих автоматизо- ваних систем управління. Розглянуто створення інтелектуальної компоненти ІАСУ для енергетичних систем. Запропоновано нейромережні методи прогнозування споживання електроенергії підприємством на основі машини геометричних перетворень. Наведено результати проведених експериментів.

Дослідження та аналіз методів забезпечення надвисокої роздільної здатності зображень на основі машинного навчання

In this article the methods of image superresolution based on machine learning are
investigated. The work of different groups of these methods are analyzed. Basic features of this
methods are describing. On the basis of practical experiments comparative analysis (by the
criterion PSNR) of the superresolution methods in the case of one input image from different
classes were conducted. Experimentally found that the best results are obtained in case of
using the method based on the convolutional neural network. Despite the requirement on the

Методи спектроскопії та обробка даних спектрального аналізу

This article provides an analysis of modern methods of spectroscopy in medicine, examined their classification. Conducted a review of portable spectroscopic systems, analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of their use. Analysis of components for spectroscopic analysis. Review of methods of the spectrum classification. Brought a conceptual diagram of processing the received data and its classification. Review of applications portable spectroscopic systems.

Neural networks as a means of improving the metrological characteristics of metal structures, taking interphase layers into account

The problem of inspection, control of parameters and diagnostics of the state of surface metal layers of underground pipelines with consideration of influence of corrosive environment is considered.

Methods of parametric sensitivity reduction of a field-oriented controlled drive

The well-known problem of parametric sensitivity of a field oriented controlled induction motor drive is considered. The analytical method is offered for parametric sensitivity investigation. Using the results obtained with this method and results obtained by the mathematical models, conclusions are drawn and recommendations for the parametric sensitivity reduction are made. The effective method for the identification of IM parameters at a standstill is proposed.