
Methods and Means of Analyzing Application Security via Distributed Tracing

Summary The article describes methods and means of digital security that are utilizing distributed tracing to detect, investigate, and prevent security incidents. The described methods and means are applicable to solutions of any scale – from large enterprises to pet projects; of any domain – healthcare, banking, government, retail, etc. The article takes a comprehensive approach to digital security including identification, alerting, prevention, investigation, and audit of existing security incidents.

On the maximal output set of fractional-order discrete-time linear systems

In this paper, we consider a linear discrete-time fractional-order system defined by \[\Delta ^{\alpha }x_ {k+1}=Ax_k+B u_k, \quad k \geq 0, \quad x_{0} \in \mathbb{R}^{n};\] \[y_{k}=Cx_k, \quad k \geq 0,\] where $A$, $B$ and $C$ are appropriate matrices, $x_{0}$ is the initial state, $\alpha$ is the order of the derivative, $y_k$ is the signal output and $u_k=K x_k$ is feedback control.  By defining the fractional derivative in the Grunwald–Letnikov sense, we investigate the characterization of the maximal output set, $\Gamma(\Omega)=\lbrace x_{0} \in \mathbb{R}^{n}/y_

On the asymptotic output sensitivity problem for a discrete linear systems with an uncertain initial state

This paper studies a finite-dimensional discrete linear system whose initial state $x_0$ is unknown.  We assume that the system is augmented by two output equations, the first one $z_i$ being representing measurements made on the unknown state of the system and the other $y_i$ being representing the corresponding output.  The purpose of our work is to introduce two control laws, both in closed-loop of measurements $z_i$ and whose goal is to reduce asymptotically the effects of the unknown part of the initial state $x_0$.  The approach that we present consists of both th

Computation of positive stable realizations for discrete-time linear systems

Sufficient conditions for the existence of positive stable realizations for given proper transfer matrices are established. Two methods are proposed for determination of the positive stable realizations for given proper transfer matrices. The effectives of the proposed procedures is demonstrated on numerical examples.