Occupational Health

Potential for harmonization of national labor legislation to European standards

The article reveals the potential of harmonizing national labor legislation to European standards in the context of Ukraine's European integration. In the context of the European integration of Ukraine, the constitutive principles of the realization of the right to work should be formed on the dominant principles: ensuring the maximization of legally defined labor rights and guarantees, the optimality of opportunities for their implementation, and effective prevention of violations of the labor rights of employees.

International legal guarantees of labor protection of minors

The article reviews normative acts in the field of employment and employment of minors, and therefore it is concluded that many states strive to develop measures to ensure full, productive and freely chosen employment, granting equal rights to all minors who wish to work, regardless of gender, race, religion. 

A sufficiently high level of legal regulation of legal relations regarding the employment of minors by international legal acts and national legislation operating in the specified area is noted.