operational units

Investigation of crimes committed by convicts in penal colonies of Ukraine

In order to improve the disclosure and investigation of crimes committed by convicts in the correctional colonies of Ukraine, to solve problematic issues that arise during the investigation of such crimes, there was a need to develop new scientifically based recommendations aimed at increasing the effectiveness of combating crime, in particular recidivism, as well as improvement of the organizational and legal foundations of the activity of the pretrial investigation body during the investigation of such crimes.

A specific of the interaction of the investigator with the operational units during investigation of criminal offences, explosives and explosive devices related to illegal turnover

The article examines the specifics of the investigator's interaction with operational and investigative units during the investigation of criminal offenses related to the illicit trafficking of explosives and explosive devices, the investigator's interaction with operational services at the stage of reviewing information about the crime, differences in interaction interaction and the procedure for involving operational staff in joint activities.