Issues on purpose of penalty taken into account
The article delineates the notions of “person guilty”, “person of the offender” and “subject of crime”. Therefore, groups of features characterizing these concepts are analyzed.
The article delineates the notions of “person guilty”, “person of the offender” and “subject of crime”. Therefore, groups of features characterizing these concepts are analyzed.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the issues of the identity of a juvenile offender.
Summarizing the above, it was stated that the study of the social nature of juvenile offenders
who commit mercenary crimes shows that the negative qualities of such persons are quite
diverse and expressed in varying degrees. At the same time, it is extremely important to
distinguish the typical features of juvenile offenders, as this will contribute to a clearer
understanding of the motivation of the criminal behavior of this group of people, and,
Проаналізовано наукове розроблення криміналістичного поняття особи злочинця.
Подано криміналістичну характеристику осіб, які вчиняють терористичні акти з
використанням вибухових пристроїв. Визначено основні ознаки терористичних груп,
які вчиняють терористичні акти. Класифіковано осіб, які вчиняють терористичні акти,
залежно від їхнього соціального та професійного стану.