parliamentary opposition

The legal status of the parliamentary opposition in Ukraine and the Republic of Poland: а comparative legal analysis

The mechanisms of interaction between state power and opposition in European countries have passed through various channels of formation and development. According to this criterion, the states of Europe can be divided into stable democracies with long traditions and young democracies, the formation of which took place at the turn of the 80-90s of the twentieth century respectively. The first group includes France, Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, the Benelux countries and the Scandinavian countries.

Problems of legal regulation of interaction of public authorities and opposition in modern Ukraine

The article analyzes problems of legal regulation of interaction between state power andopposition. The attention is drawn to the potential constitutional and legislative forms ofinteraction between the government and the opposition. The authors’ suggestion sonsolvingproblems of interaction of state power and oppositioninUkraine are presented

Political and Legal Status and Powers of the Parliamentary Opposition in the Countries of Visegrad Group

The modern countries of the Visegrad Group – Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic – are consolidated and semi-consolidated democracies. Therefore, the phenomenon of a constructive parliamentary opposition, as practice shows, is peculiar for them. However, the role and functions of parliamentary opposition in the region are not only legally protected, but also largely foreseen.