Opposition as an integral factor of democratic transformations in the process of lawmaking in Ukraine

: 391-396

Pyvovar M. Opposition as an integral factor of democratic transformations in the process of lawmaking in Ukraine.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

One of the leading features, basic characteristics of modern developed democracies is the existence of the actual existence and legal support of the opposition as the main counterweight to the possible usurpation of state power. At the same time, the experience of the opposition in the recent history of the Ukrainian state shows an interesting trend - a distorted understanding of the essence of this political and legal institution, given its complete denial in Soviet theory and practice of state building. The alignment of political forces in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine once again demonstrates how unprotected the opposition's activities in the parliament are both in parliament and abroad. The rights and guarantees of the opposition, which exists outside the parliament, lie in the regulation of legislation on local self-government, citizens' appeals, political parties, the media, and so on. The relationship between the government and the opposition in the recent period of development of the Ukrainian state was difficult, contradictory and sometimes radical. At the same time, representatives of various political forces, whether in power or in opposition, managed to resolve complex conflicts and find solutions to political and institutional crises through political and legal mechanisms in the absence of legal regulation of opposition activities. Discussions and talks are not enough - the legislator's actions are needed to establish the constitutional and legal status of the parliamentary opposition. Therefore, the interaction of state power and opposition in a developed constitutional state should be based on democratic principles, which should be the basis for effective and constructive cooperation between government and opposition institutions. In general, the lack of clear and comprehensive regulations may not be a problem if the country has a long tradition of resolving political and legal conflicts. However, there are no such traditions in Ukraine.

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