
Сultivation for Сrocus Sativa in vitro

Crocus sativus (saffron) contains biologically active substances and is used in the food and cosmetic industries. With the preservation of plant diversity in nature, the biotechnological method of tissue culture was used and the plant was introduced into in vitro conditions. The influence of the composition of the nutrient mediumon the growth of biomass and production was studied. The best results were obtained with the use of growth regulators benzylaminopurine (BAP) and naphthylacetic acid (NOK) in the amount of 20 μmol/l BAP + 15 μmol/l NOK. Cultivation time was 12 weeks.

Введення в культуру in vitro відкасника безстеблевого

Results of the introduction of Carlina acaulis into the in vitro culture are given. The efficiency of various methods of sterilization was investigated, the most effective of them was selected, the optimum conditions for the introduction into the culture were selected, and Carlina acaulis was cultivated. Наведено результати введення в культуру in vitro відкасника безстеблевого (Carlina аcaulis). Досліджено ефективність різних методів стерилізації, вибрано найефективніший, підібрано оптимальні умови для введення в культуру та культивовано відкасник безстеблевий (Carlina аcaulis).