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System of checks and balances as an attribute of democracy: political analysis (Review Article)

The article deals with the features of the system of checks and balances as one of the indicators of democratic development. Taking into account the peculiarities of modern political transformations in the world, the new approaches to the understanding of the system of checks and balances in the political sense are emphasized. Basing on the analysis of the political practice of democratic states, the key features of the system of checks and balances are identified and it is proved that this institution is multidimensional.

Grand duchy of lithuania: towards feudal state of law

Analyze the elements that have contributed in the period of the feudal Middle Ages lay
not in theory, but in practice the basics of law. They are supported by appropriate regulations.
It is shown that in the period of the absolutist, strictly centralized many countries in Europe,
such a system could not long survive and develop. It is shown that the usurpation of power by
the nobility, not perfect relations center and the regions could lead to more significant results

Becoming and Development of Ideas about the Functioning of the Checks and Balances System

The article deals with the main historical stages of the formation of views on the checks and balances system. Taking into account the main historical stages of the development of ideas concerning the functioning of the checks and balances system, on the basis of the historical and comparative methods, the main features of understanding the separation of powers and functioning of the checks and balances system under the specific conditions of political and legal thought development are emphasized.