
Methodological Recommendations for Digital Rating of Economic Indicators of Enterprises

The introduction of the economic rating will contribute to the centralization of control over the activities of economic entities by various state bodies. On the other hand, the economic rating will allow to avoid subjectivity in the evaluation of the economic activity of enterprises by state bodies and other subjects of economic activity and to establish a transparent and understandable work of the state bodies themselves for subjects of economic activity and society as a whole.

Assessment of the efficiency of foreign economic activity (on the example of “Mohyliv-Podilskyi canning plant”

For Ukrainian enterprises today – in the conditions of war – activation of foreign trade and strengthening of its effectiveness are critically important tasks.

Implementation of foreign economic activity by enterprises is a complex process that requires not only a significant amount of resources, but also a competent approach to evaluating its effectiveness. Comparing the achieved results with previous periods or competitors allows to determine the current level of efficiency of such activity and to make the necessary changes to the company’s strategy.

Employee loyalty: essence and measurement indicator

The article presents the results of a study on the importance of increasing the level of employee loyalty to the company and its evaluation. The influence of loyal employees on the development of the organization is briefly presented, in particular, it is emphasized that loyal employees who give positive feedback about their work in the organization, thereby ensure increasing labour productivity, improving the company’s image, expand the client base, improving financial results, etc.

Метод підвищення живучості телекомунікаційної мережі

Показано актуальність питань аналізу та оцінки живучості телекомунікаційних мереж на підставі використання потокового підходу. Запропоновано ефективний обчислювальний алгоритм формування матриць максимальних міжполюсних потоків та мінімальних розрізів. Подано метод підвищення живучості мережі, сформульовано задачу реконфігурації мережі як задачу лінійного програмування.