Assessment of the efficiency of foreign economic activity (on the example of “Mohyliv-Podilskyi canning plant”

: pp. 29 - 39
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

For Ukrainian enterprises today – in the conditions of war – activation of foreign trade and strengthening of its effectiveness are critically important tasks.

Implementation of foreign economic activity by enterprises is a complex process that requires not only a significant amount of resources, but also a competent approach to evaluating its effectiveness. Comparing the achieved results with previous periods or competitors allows to determine the current level of efficiency of such activity and to make the necessary changes to the company’s strategy.

Various quantitative and qualitative indicators are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the foreign economic activity. It is also necessary to take into account the peculiarities of each enterprise and the specifics of its economic activity. However, in modern conditions, the classical methods of evaluating the effectiveness of foreign operations may not be sufficient to determine the real impact of such activities on the financial situation of the enterprise. Therefore, it is important to develop and use additional methods that allow for a systematic assessment of the efficiency of the foreign economic activity and its impact on the overall efficiency of the enterprise.

The article examines the existing methods of evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of the enterprise’s foreign economic activity. On the example of PJSC “Mohyliv-Podilskyi Canning Plant” the application of the proposed method of evaluating the efficiency of the export trade was done by optimizing the system of criteria and indicators of the analysis of the trade export, as well as finding reserves for increasing the export potential, and accordingly, the efficiency of the export activity as a whole.

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