
Reaction kinetics and macromolecule-metal chelate complex formation in metal containing semi-interpenetrating polymer networks based on crosslinked polyurethane and linear polymethylmethacrylate

According to DSC and EPR data kinetics of formation of simultaneous semi-interpenetrating polymer networks based on crosslinked polyurethane and linear polymethylmethacrylate with 50:50 and 70:30 ratio obtained in the presence of 3d-metal chelates depends on type of metal. On the other hand system composition determines polyurethane or polymethylmethacrylate selection during formation of complexes with metal-diketonates.

Sorption Properties of Materials Based on Polyvinylpyrrolidone Copolymers

Sorption properties of polyvinylpyrrolidone copolymers regarding to different acid-base indicators, as well as heparin and iodine have been investigated. The amount of sorption active centers of synthesized copolymers depends upon synthesis conditions, namely upon temperature and initiator amount, and is determined by the nature of sorbates and copolymers functional groups.