
Принципи побудови геоінформаційної системи пошуку людей

 In the article the Geographic Information System (GIS) finding people through which a user of this service has the ability to find the person who is next to him on the map and start communication. An embodiment of a geographic information system finding people. Described opportunities instrumental GIS and client-server technology and geographic information systems zapoponovanyy algorithm finding people. The algorithm representation statement using markers, which are located on the map. The analysis GIS software client that can be used launch applications on remote servers or workplace.

Methodology of evaluation of tourism branding of destinations

The essence of the concept of "destinations"; proposed definition of "attractive tourist area" as a synonym for tourism destinations; reasonably content with the position of marketing tourism destinations; are prerequisites branding destinations; explained the feasibility of an integrated approach to the management and evaluation of branding tourist destinations; lists the prerequisites for positioning tourist destination; the method of evaluating the effectiveness of branding tourist destinations on the example Lviv.