
Архітектура багаторівневої системи управління енергоефективністю регіону

The list of problems that can be solved by multilevel system of energy efficiency of the region were determined. Requirements for the implementation of each system component were formulated. It was shown that the technological process control’s components should provide processing of intensive data streams in real time. Also components have to satisfy limitations on size, power consumption and cost.

Trend aspects of costs and controlling at enterprises

Substantiated the importance of systematization costs at the enterprise, despite the competition. Researched companies need to introduce modern approaches in management of costs and activity in general. Determined that process management is becoming more important because the operations that create processes in organizations are implemented by different departments, in accordance the accounting of responsibility doesn’t create the value for the customer.

Conceptual bases of organizing modernization process of industrial enterprises

In  this  article  the  authors  attempt  to  highlight  the  main  conceptual  principles  of organizing the modernization process of industrial enterprises, to identify the components of this process, to reveal the content of these components and their materialization in specific projects, to define the possible ways to implement these projects in order to achieve efficient results in high-competitive  economic conditions.