
Інтелектуальна система підтримки прийняття рішень при управлінні неприбутковими проектами

Описано створену інтелектуальну систему, метою якої є визначати ймовірність успішності неприбуткових проектів, що зазвичай організовуються неприбутковими та неурядовими організаціями. Науково обґрунтованим є використання теорії ймовірності
та методу ядрового згладжування при визначенні ймовірностей з оперуванням малими обсягами наявних даних.

Architecture for the Information System of the Cryptocurrency Content Integration and Formation on the Basis of the Exchange Activity Analysis

The processes of content analysis, integration and formation with the consideration of cryptographic needs of the user are investigated. Using the developed formal model and conducted a critical analysis of methods and technologies for forecasting the cryptographic

Програмний комплекс для прогнозування основних характеристик надійності симетричних ієрархічних систем за допомогою штучних нейронних мереж

A software module for the calculation of the basic characteristics of reliability the symmetric hierarchical distributed systems with a deprecated outgoing elements with branching till the level 1. The prediction of reliability characteristics is done using the artificial neural network of the non iterative radial type. The reduced to the mean value range errors of the ANN learning and forecasting are calculated as well as the time estimations for the ANN learning and forecasting.

Features of the informative providing of operatively-search prognostication in counteraction to the crimes in the field of appeal of narcotic facilities

A concept and maintenance of the informative providing of operatively-search prognostication are exposed  in the article. The features of the informative providing of operatively-search prognostication are certain in counteraction to the crimes in the field of appeal of narcotic facilities. Basic factors are outlined that influence on the process of operatively-search prognostication in counteraction to the crimes in the field of appeal of narcotic facilities.

Studying and forecasting of the phosphates pollution dynamics in watersheds and antropogenic water management landscape dynamics: application to the small carpathians rivers’ watersheds

The paper concerns the results of the quantitative study of dynamics for phosphates concentrations in the Small Carpathians rivers watersheds in Earthen Slovakia by using methods of nonlinear analysis and forecasting, chaos theory and dynamical systems. The conclusions can be viewed from the perspective of carrying out new algorithms for analysis and forecasting of the dynamics and evolution of anthropogenic water management landscape. Chaotic behaviour of the phosphates concentration time series in the watersheds of the Small Carpathians is studied.

Застосування кластерного аналізу для опрацювання даних земельного кадастру

Procedures of data mining based on prediction of time series for land cadastre data are described in this article. Principles required for the development of the method of forecasting using time serious are examined. Mathematical model is developed. The task of predicting land resources use in Striyskyi Park in Lviv is technically realized.