public consciousness

Right and legal consciousness : co-operation,interdependence and influence

The philosophical-legal analysis of co-operation, interdependence and influence of right and legalconsciousness is carried out. Investigational, that sense of justice is the companion of right, and that iswhy we can distinguish inherent to them general lines, namely: they belong to the single legal system;execute the normatively envisaged functions; characterized by a certain structure; stipulated by generalsocio-economic, political, ideological, cultural and other factors.

Gender prospects in professional activity and gender inequalities in the labor market

The legal support of gender equality in the professional activity of women is analyzed, on
the basis of statistical data, the composition of the judiciary corps in Ukraine and the
percentage of women in the courts are analyzed, attention is focused on the gender distribution
of heads of legal entities and private entrepreneurs in Ukraine. The content of the concept
«glass ceiling» in the professional activity of a woman is determined.