регіональний аспект

Basic regularities, principles and objectives of the regional management under modern conditions of administrative reform

The article defines basic regularities, principles and objectives of regional development management. The principles of state support of the regional development in the context of Ukraine’s European integration are analyzed. The conceptual approaches to the adoption and implementation of regional development strategies are proposed. Principles of formation of the budget of regional development in the context of the state development budget are grounded, and the model of regional development management is proposed.

Analyzing the economic development dynamics of the national economy of Ukraine

The article presents research results of the current trends in the economic development of the national economy of Ukraine on the basis of statistic and economic analysis, identifies its characteristics in terms of macro- and mezo-levels and determines the factors of development under conditions of post-industrial society, using the R. Solow model of economic growth and the Cobb-Douglas production function.