reinforced concrete


The article presents a theoretical analysis of existing concepts to evaluate the non-failure of RC structures in operation. To perform the analysis, the authors considered a number of scientific works of both Ukrainian and foreign researchers. The main focus was on works in which the model of the stochastic nature of the RC structure operation included random parameters of acting loads, as well as the reserve of its bearing capacity and serviceability (geometric dimensions of cross sections of constructive members, strength and deformation characteristics of materials, etc.).

Тріщиностійкість та деформативність стиків залізобетонних збірно-монолітних прогонових будов мостів на криволінійних ділянках

Described results of experimental research of joints precast-monolithic elements of reinforced concrete solid stringer structure of bridge оn curve plot.

Розрахунок несучої здатності залізобетонних надколонних плит безкапітельно-безбалкових перекриттів методом граничної рівноваги

Thepromising field of efficient precast structures application is industrial flat plate framework (of “CUBE” system type). For today, this framework has undergone many improvements, and therefore it can be recommended for solving the tasks of the program for providing citizens with affordable housing. Columns, inflexibility elements and floor slabs are included into the framework composition. Internal forces in slabs are distributed unevenly, that is why it is reasonable to reinforce slabs according to the methodology of the materials curve construction.

Технологія самоущільнювальних бетонів, що тверднуть у різних температурних умовах

In the article the features of reinforced concrete hardening at different temperature conditions and the current issues of preparation technology of Self-Сompacting Сoncretes (SCC) on the basis of superplasticized cementitious systems, combining knowledge of structure and modifying Portland cement compositions “Portland cement – active mineral additives – microfiller – superplasticizer – accelerator of hardening” to search for rational making provision of technical and building properties of concrete in the changing factors of its composition, technology and exploitation are shown.

Research of reinforced concrete elements strengthened by reinforced concrete jacketing under high level loading

In this article the results of experimental study of reinforced concrete columns strengthened by reinforced concrete jacketing are produced. Reinforced concrete jacketing was chosen as the strengthening method since it is the most commonly used for reinforced columns repair and strengthening. The design of such strengthening will differ from basic column design methods since the impact of the load supported by the existing structure during strengthening should be taken into consideration. Determination of the impact of that factor is the main objective of this research.