In the article the features of reinforced concrete hardening at different temperature conditions and the current issues of preparation technology of Self-Сompacting Сoncretes (SCC) on the basis of superplasticized cementitious systems, combining knowledge of structure and modifying Portland cement compositions “Portland cement – active mineral additives – microfiller – superplasticizer – accelerator of hardening” to search for rational making provision of technical and building properties of concrete in the changing factors of its composition, technology and exploitation are shown. The results of the studies found that the use of the superplasticized cementitious systems allows to influence on technological properties and kinetics of structure formation and create concrete structure with improved construction and technical properties at a different temperature conditions. Technological solutions designing of superplasticized cementitious systems that solves the problem of obtaining the Self-Сompacting Сoncretes (SCC) on their basis are established. This creates an opportunity allows to solve the problem of obtaining for enabling early loading, reducing the production cycle, increasing turnover and formwork acceleration of monolithic buildings and structures at different temperature conditions.
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