
Correlation justifications of church and canon law

The Ukrainian Church (especially the ancient rural one) is a reliable source of natural-supernatural canonicity, truth, justice and a special national worldview. For centuries, the Church has realized the spiritual unity of the Ukrainian race, our fateful nation, because it has deeply absorbed the laws of nature, absorbed their wisdom, and helped regulate the actions of the universe. The church is the spiritual security of the state. After all, there are no contradictions, contradictions, inconsistencies, gaps, etc.

Ukraine – Republic of Poland: cooperation and customs relations

The article raises questions of international cooperation between the two neighboring states, ensuring the process of keeping customs policy. Particular attention is paid to customs relations and legislation that is important levers driving customs.18 Joining the European Union is a priority of Ukraine’s foreign policy experience as our strategic partner in Poland gained in the process of negotiating to join the European Union, is extremely valuable to our country in the context of European integration for Ukraine’s efforts. Customs is one of the main tools protectionist policy.

Responsibility and irresponsibility: socio-legal paradigm

Article is devoted to the formulation of one of the most pressing problems in the philosophical and legal study of the social responsibility of man, namely the problem of sociolegal paradigm value of responsibility and irresponsibility. The purpose of this paper is to emphasize both theorists and practitioners for positioning accents in the scientific and practical relevance of this type of interaction. The author gives some ideas on philosophical and legal understanding of the legal paradigm of responsibility and irresponsibility.