російська агресія

The role of industrial parks and warehouse logistics in the context of recover of the economy of Ukraine

This research delves into the intricacies of industrial park development and warehouse logistics in Ukraine, focusing on the challenges and opportunities arising in the aftermath of a full-scale invasion. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the existing landscape of industrial parks within Ukraine in 2023, encompassing their geographical distribution, developmental status, and financial capabilities.

Features of organizational and legal provision of information security in the conditions of war with russia

Abstract. The article, based on a theoretical and practical study of the essence and features of the regulation of information and legal relations in the conditions of russian aggression, focuses on the problematic issues of organizational and legal provision of information security as an activity aimed at the prevention, timely detection and termination of threats that destructively affect vital interests of the individual, society and the state in the information sphere.

The philosophy of a law that doesn`t work

Abstract. The relevance of the study lies in the study of negative trends of real reality in the life of Ukrainian society against the background of the international authority of our state. 

The problems of not fully effective operation of the law during the period of martial law and the inconsistency of the existing mechanisms for the protection of human rights and freedoms to the needs of citizens were considered. 

Challenges of the metallurgical industry of Ukraine in the current conditions

The relevance of the study is due to the full-scale invasion of the territory of our country by the enemy, which led to the suspension of the work of most Ukrainian metallurgical enterprises in the East of Ukraine, and caused a significant decrease in planned indicators and production volumes. The constant attacks on energy infrastructure also negatively affected the operations of such enterprises. Since March 2022, mining and metals companies in the government-controlled areas of Ukraine have continued to operate at a loss.

Features of the export of certified dairy products to the European Union countries in the conditions of Russian aggression in Ukraine

The article attempts to investigate the peculiarities of exporting domestically produced dairy products to the European Union countries in the conditions of full-scale invasion and aggression of the occupier of russia. It caused colossal moral and material losses and damages for Ukraine, including for all sectors of the economy and infrastructural sectors of the economy. Among other sectors of the economy, the production of dairy products in the structure of food production suffered significant damage.

American Print Press About Ukrainian President’s Inauguration: in-depth Analysis of Story Coverage Sufficiency

The article is targeted at the examination of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the articles in the US print media — dedicated to the inauguration of Volodymyr Zelensky as Ukraine’s new President in May 2019. In this paper the author is describing particular traces of analytical reporting and prognosis performed by American print press authors covering international political issues.