
B2C Electronic commerce: development in Eastern Europe, risks and effect of Institutional Displacement

The goals. The formation of the global information economy is closely linked to the emergence and growth of the e-commerce market. So, the goals of the article are to identify the main trends in the B2C e-commerce market in Eastern Europe and to characterize potential risks as a result of its further growth.

Survey of international conference “Philosophical insights. Inspirations from Lviv-Warsaw school” (Lviv, 29-30 June 2019)

In this survey the particularities of the first international conference “Philosophical Insights. Inspirations from Lviv-Warsaw School” organized by Lviv Philosophical Society named after Kasimir Twardowski are described and discussed. This event was not only pure scientific conference, but also some perspectives of Society’s activity in the scientific, educational and translation spheres were discussed by the members of Society.


The object of analysis is strategic management of Youth Non-governmental Organization (YNGO) activities (in particular, Student NGO). At this publication we have purpose to show the results of a study of strategic opportunities and options for formation of effective strategic moves in the development of SNGOs. It is important to display different real strategic alternatives at the example of several SNGOs which represent the Western region of Ukraine.

Lviv’s residential architecture from the turn of the 19th/20th century


Розглянуто дуже важливий період у розвитку львівської житлової архітектури – злам ХІХ–ХХ століть. Проаналізовано нові архітектурні вирішення, які залежали від нових конструкцій та нових потреб мешканців.