The article is a study of engineering in Ukraine and determine the impact of investment risk factors for the development of engineering companies.
The theoretical and methodological basis of research is fundamental tenets of modern economic theory, scientific works of scientists, regulatory and legislative acts of Ukraine on investment. The study used the following methods: Economics and Statistics (in the study of the mechanical engineering Ukraine); graphic (for visual presentation of research results); analytical and structural logic (in determining the major internal and external factors of the investment risk, the occurrence of which may lead to a crisis in engineering enterprises, and developing methods of evaluation of their impact on the implementation of specific investment projects).
The article analyzes the major trends in engineering Ukraine and problems of its functioning. The necessity of investment projects by domestic machine-building enterprises. Thesis there is determined the major internal and external factors of the investment risk, the occurrence of which may lead to a crisis in engineering enterprises. The method of assessing the impact of investment risk factors for the implementation of specific investment projects, based on using the Delphi method. The results of research aimed at solving the problem of evaluating investment risks in implementing investment projects by domestic machine-building enterprises. They can be used in the formation of investment strategy.
In assessing the overall state of the market engineering, we can say that the low technological level of domestic engineering products leads to negative consequences such as: high dependence of the national economy on the import of high-tech engineering products; basic domestic exports of engineering products, as less technological, went to the CIS, while import arrived mainly from the EU; the failure of many companies engineering Ukraine comply with technical regulations, developed on the basis of the relevant EU directives, due to the need to attract this significant investment in upgrading production facilities.
In the future engineering should take a more important place in the structure of industry and the formation of Ukraine's exports. But this is impossible without improving the sectoral structure engineering, modernization of existing engineering enterprises, their technical re-equipment, which will significantly improve the quality of fabricated products and expand its product range. However, to achieve high-quality structural changes in the machine-building complex should implement costly investment projects. Our studies have shown that the major source of investment financing are own funds derived from profits or depreciation. Therefore, when investing very important is to minimize the risk of loss of income investor. And it needs to carefully analyze all existing risk factors that affect the implementation of the project.
According to the results of research conducted, we offer engineering companies to assess the risks associated with the implementation of real investment on the basis of taking into account factors that give rise to the danger of inefficiency real investment using Delphi method. Experts (top management, heads of departments of engineering enterprises) through questionnaire method Delphi asked to assess the possibility of the most important, in their view, investment risk factors and the amount of possible losses caused by them in the implementation of the project.
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