сейсмічне мікрорайонування

Influence of local seismotectonic and engineering-geological conditions on seismic danger of territories (exemplified by a construction site in Uzhgorod city)

Objective. To identify the location of potentially active seismic zones in which local earthquakes may occur. To evaluate the predicted seismic shaking intensity (in MSK-64 scale points) considering impacts associated with the local tectonic and engineering-geological conditions of the study site. Methodology.

The influence of the sedimentary strata on the seismic oscillation on the teritory Tashlyk hydroelectric pumped storage power plant

Purpose. The aim of the paper is to study the influence of the filtering properties of the sedimentary strata on the seismic vibrations of construction or operational sites located in the territory of Ukraine. Methodology. The effect of the physical and mechanical properties of the sedimentary strata to the seismic effect on the free surface of the Tashlyk HEPSPP territory under possible seismic impacts with various maximum peak accelerations, which with a probability of 99% will not be exceeded for the next 50 years, is analyzed.

The seismic-historic microzoning as a fundamental complement to seismic hazard evaluation

This paper discusses the needs to start a review process about the historical seismicity in Venezuela, from a different perspective to that used for compilation of already existent catalogues, with an interpretation intended to be more precise than exhibited by isoseismic curves assigned to most important earthquakes.