силові фільтри гармонік

Concern of overvoltages on power filters in industrial electrical networks

Harmonic power filters are widely used in industrial electrical grids, which make it possible to improve the voltage quality on the power supply system buses and to increase the load power factors. Selecting the scheme and parameters of the filter-compensation unit is related to the requirements for compensation of the harmonic currents and load reactive power, the characteristics of the power supply configuration and its operating conditions, as well as the indices of transients that may occur during the operational switching.

Sizing filter reactors for industrial electrical grids

Most modern industrial electrical grids are characterized by a significant content of nonlinear loads, creating many operation problems. Power harmonic filters are one of the most effective ways of reducing voltage distortion in electrical grids. The use of power filters solves two main concerns - to reduce the input current harmonic distortion of the power supply system and compensate for the reactive power of loads. As a rule, the sizing nominal parameters of filter circuits is carried out by the power supply system characteristics in stationary (steady) operating condition.