система моніторингу

Автоматизована система моніторингу промислових трансформаторів

Розглянуто розроблення автоматизованої системи для неперервного вимірювання та реєстрації основних параметрів блокових трансформаторів у процесі експлуатації на базі SCADA системи з метою своєчасного подання інформації для вживання заходів щодо недопущення передаварійних режимів та для аналізу аварійних режимів.

The article reviews the development of automated system for continuous measurement and registration of key parameters of block transformer in service-based SCADA system for timely information for action to prevent pre-emergency regimes and to analyze emergency regimes.

Information system of feedback monitoring in social networks for the formation of recommendations for the purchase of goods

This paper describes an information system for monitoring and analyzing reviews on social networks to form recommendations for the purchase of goods. This system is designed to be used by customers to speed up and facilitate the search for the necessary products on e-commerce resources. Successful selection of a quality product according to the desired criteria is extremely important, as it saves search time and customer money. Analyzing comments on the network, the information system recommends the product if there is a preponderance of positive feedback on it.

Information System of Accounting for Methodical Work of the Department

An Information system for the analyzing the methodical work of higher educational institution department has been developed. It is established that the methodical work of the department is of great importance in ensuring the quality of educational activities of higher educational institutions, which provides in particular the availability educational and methodological support of the educational process and information systems for effective management.

Особливості побудови програмного забезпечення системи моніторингу навколишнього середовища

Developed algorithms and software modules analyzing system involving two modes of operation (training or monitoring), two types of monitoring (search for a given substance or recognition known), the use of which depends on the intensity and destabilizing factors control the duration requirements.

Research of the Efficiency of the Cdn Network

The network architecture of the content delivery network (CDN) and methods of the load balancing were examined in this paper. We have described the algorithm of end users’ request routing which allows selecting the optimum edge server to receive a content with maximum quality. The use of network system monitoring was offered. This system allows to efficiently assess the status of the network and promptly report possible problems. It was defined which parameters are needed to be monitored.

Organizational and technological features to monitor land at the regional level

The project of creation of technological-organizational schemе of monitoring of land state is presented in work. The spatial schemе of organization of monitoring of land state|figure,camp,mill| is developed at regional level. The example of zoning of territory of region based on data of monitoring of land state is presented.