special knowledge

On the possibility of conducting certain types of examinations in cases about road accidents before the opening of criminal proceedings

The article examines the possibility of conducting some types of expert examinations in cases of road accidents before the opening of criminal proceedings, discusses the debatable issues related to the violation of the personal interests of the participants at the stage of opening criminal proceedings and the unjustified delay in making a decision to open criminal proceedings or to refuse them.

The use of the special knowledge is during the review of place of perfect murder

A concept and maintenance of the special knowledge that isused in the process of
investigation of murders are exposedin the article. Certainly directions of викорстання
specialistsduring the огліду place of event. The basic tasks of specialistthat is brought over to
the review of вчиненння of масуяmurder are outlined. Activity of спеціліста is considered
inrelation to an exposure, jigging and exception of tracks ofcrime during the огліду place of

Forensic expert as subject of judicial expert activity

In the article the considered essence of profession of forensic expert and nature of expert researches are in accordance with the modern requirements of judicial inquisitional practice. The increase of amount of j forensic examinations, origin of her new luing-ins and kinds, introduction in expert practice of technical innovations requires permanent attention to development of professional level of forensic experts.

Forensic expert as subject of judicial expert activity

In the article the considered essence of profession of forensic expert and nature of expert researches are in accordance with the modern requirements of judicial inquisitional practice. The increase of amount of forensic examinations, origin of her new luing-ins and kinds, introduction in expert practice of technical innovations requires permanent attention to development of professional level of forensic experts.