spiritual values

Legal thinking of civil society as a factor in the formation of legal culture

Today, the real requirement of the time is the priority of law over the policy of arbitrariness of power, which determines the structure of any rule of law. The idea of the rule of law is inextricably linked with the idea of the sovereignty of the people, the subordination of the state to society. The implementation of the principles of the rule of law, which in fact limits itself to human rights and freedoms, the rule of law, as a general humanistic value, lead to the expansion of private law regulation, which arise mainly between civil society, providing conditions for its functioning.

Concepts of legal culture as a compositionof a democratic legal state

Building a democratic, rule of law is unthinkable without affirmation of justice, legal andmaterial protection of the individual, mutual responsibility of the individual and the state, improvementof legislation and legal culture as a whole. State-legal and national-cultural revival is possible only oncondition of respect for its own history, its philosophical and philosophical humanistic traditions, whichunderlie our mentality, determine the nature of the nation and the essence of legal culture.