Today, the real requirement of the time is the priority of law over the policy of arbitrariness of power, which determines the structure of any rule of law. The idea of the rule of law is inextricably linked with the idea of the sovereignty of the people, the subordination of the state to society. The implementation of the principles of the rule of law, which in fact limits itself to human rights and freedoms, the rule of law, as a general humanistic value, lead to the expansion of private law regulation, which arise mainly between civil society, providing conditions for its functioning. State and political, socio-economic and legal changes are constantly taking place in Ukraine, which characterize the stage of creation of civil society. This stage requires new approaches in solving the fundamental problems of forming the moral and legal ideals of society, high legal awareness, modern legal thinking and legal culture. In the context of modern development of society, there is an increasing dependence of processes on the creative potential of man, his activities, the ability to respond to ever-changing reality, to the demands of modernity. The new understanding of legal thinking characterizes it as the highest analytical ability of the individual, as a subject of legal relations, which functions and develops in line with the spiritual and practical solution of various socio-legal contradictions, as a phenomenon of the spiritual world of man, as a worldview a positive and stable attitude of the individual to the law as to the idea of the guilty is formed, the guilty, desirable relation of the person to the world around is developed. The legal thinking of civil society in Ukraine is a factor in the formation of legal culture and the development of a democratic and legal state, because without legal culture the state cannot consider itself legal.
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