the State

Theoretical and legal analysis of the relationship between the state and the christian religion in the «philosophy of law» Hegel

Analyzed scientific views of the great German philosopher Hegel’s dialectic relationship
and on relations between the state and the Christian religion. In his work «Philosophy of Law»
German philosopher deeply and comprehensively reveals the role and place of state not only in
the development and functioning of society, but also the Christian religion as an important
institution in the formation of spirituality and high morality in society.

Justice in the philosophical and law thought of new time

In the article has been investigated the genesis of justice and law connections, that allowed to determine the starting point of convergence, and to trace the historical features of the course of such convergence, which reflected in the action area of these phenomena, their content characteristics. It has been determinated the directions of justice problematics output outside the scope of national law and dissemination in international relations.

Theoretical aspects of restriction of human rights

In article are considered theoretical questions of restriction of human rights. It was found that when considering the problem of restrictions on human rights, it is necessary to distinguish two concepts: the first is to directly limit the rights and the limitations on the exercise of rights. The limitation is the extension of the powers of public authorities, as well as the decrease in rights and freedoms and lawful interests of individuals and legal entities.

The legal methods of formation of legal consciouness

The article is devoted to the exploration of ways and methods of formation of legal
consciousness in the context of ensuring their realization of the State and civil society.
The author attempted to describe the basic methods of forming of legal consciousness
separating them into categories to “public” and “private”, depending on the subjects of their
We come to the conclusion that a key place in the system of remedies of formation of legal
consciousness takes legal education as a precondition for social development of individual.