сучасна геодинаміка

Recent deformations of the Earth's crust in Ukraine based on GNSS network data from GEOTERRACE AND SYSTEM.NET

The paper analyzes the recent trends of horizontal and vertical displacements of Ukraine's territory based on the GeoTerrace and System.Net GNSS network data. This includes the construction of relevant movement maps and the selection of deformation zones of the upper crust. The object of research is horizontal and vertical deformations of the upper crust. The goal is to identify and analyze deformation zones in Ukraine's territory.

Modern deformations of Earth crust of territory of Western Ukraine based on «GEOTERRACE» GNSS network data

The work analyzes the current horizontal and vertical displacement territory of Western Ukraine according to GNSS data, including the creation of special maps of modern displacements and the allocation of deformation zones of the upper crust. The object of study is the horizontal and vertical deformations of the upper crust. The aim is to identify and analyze deformation zones in Western Ukraine. The initial data are horizontal and vertical velocities of 48 continuous GNSS stations from 2018 to 2021 of Geoterrace network, known tectonic maps of the territory and descriptive materials.

The investigation of the Earth's crust movements by geodetic methods in Cherkeysk reservoir region

On the basis of the processing results of four cycles of geodetic measurements in the plane- and high- altitude nets on the geodynamic polygon in Cherkeysk reservoir region the vertical and horizontal displacements of the Earth's crust surface are revealed. The values of that confirm the display of the recent geodynamic in the mentioned region. The correlation between the values and character of the resent movements and higher seismic activity and process of filling in reservoir too is observed.