теплова модель

Influence of mode and design factors on the temperature condition of automobile drum brakes

The current state of the highway pavement makes it possible to implement prompt transportation operations. These circumstances lead to the movement of vehicles at high speeds, which is impossible without a braking system capable of ensuring high braking efficiency and optimal flow of the process from the standpoint of stability and controllability.

Temperature distribution in the crust and upper mantle of the territory of Ukraine

The study aims to build a three-dimensional thermal model of the crust and upper mantle of the territory of Ukraine. Its basis is a scheme of deep processes in the tectonosphere, which, first of all,  considers  the results of heat and mass transfer during modern activation. They are superimposed on the models of the platform (except for the territory of the East European platform; the Donbas is also included in it), the Alpine geosyncline of the Carpathians, and the Hercynian-Cimmerian geosyncline of the Scythian plate.

The influence of important factors on the distribution of heat flows in elements of drum brakes of vehicles

The movement of motor vehicles at high speeds is impossible without a braking system capable of ensuring high braking efficiency. It has been established that the most unstable link of the braking system is the brake mechanism, since from the energy point of view, braking with friction brakes is the process of converting part of the mechanical energy of the motor vehicle into heat.

Braking is a long process during which many counterbody parameters change, in particular, thermophysical parameters due to temperature changes, friction coefficient, etc.